Dr. Subarna Afrin

Dermatologist (Skin)

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Dr. Subarna Afrin is a Specialist in Skin and Venereal Diseases at Chattogram Medical College and Hospital. With her extensive training and commitment to patient care, she ensures that individuals receive the best treatment for their skin health. Let’s explore what makes Dr. Subarna Afrin a reliable choice for your dermatological needs!

At a Glance

BCS (Health),
MD (Dermatology)
Awards & Recognitions
Dr. Subarna Afrin has an impressive educational background:

MBBS: Bachelor of Medicine, Bachelor of Surgery.
BCS (Health): Bangladesh Civil Service (Health).
MD (Dermatology): Doctor of Medicine specializing in dermatology from BSMMU.

Job Designation & Experience
Current Position: Specialist in Skin & Venereal Diseases at Chattogram Medical College Hospital.
Experience: Extensive hands-on experience dealing with various skin conditions and venereal diseases.

Area of Expertise

Location and Chambers

Epic Health Care Ltd. Room: 503 Location: 19 K.B Fazlul Kader Road, Panchlaish, Chattogram
Epic Health Care Ltd. Room: 503 Location: 19 K.B Fazlul Kader Road, Panchlaish, Chattogram

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